Are we what we think?

Practice for a renewed inner dialogue πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Dear readers of Ana's Time Club,

Today, I want to share with you a reflection inspired by the phenomenon that nature gifted us on April 8th, the Solar Eclipse! This offers us a powerful metaphor about the power of thoughts. Just as during an eclipse, the moon passes between the earth and the sun, creating a shadow that momentarily darkens the daylight, our thoughts can have a similar effect in our lives. When we allow negative and limiting thoughts to come between us and our goals, they obscure our vision and hinder us from reaching our full potential.

Have you ever stopped to reflect on your recurring thoughts and how they affect your daily life? Often, we find ourselves trapped in negative thought patterns that generate anxiety and distance us from our true essence. But what if we could transform those anxious thoughts into a path toward inner peace and spiritual connection?

Just as the sunlight always finds its way back after an eclipse, we too have the ability to illuminate our minds and our lives with positive and powerful thoughts.

Historically, it has been recognized that humans are complex beings, with a mind capable of creating and transforming realities. Great empires and civilizations have risen and fallen based on the mindset of their leaders and citizens. From the ancient Greek philosophers to the sages of Eastern cultures, the importance of the mind has been a central theme in the quest for wisdom and happiness.



To begin, find a quiet space where you can be alone for a few minutes. Sit comfortably and close your eyes as you breathe deeply, allowing the air to carry away any tension and stress.

Repeat silently or aloud words of love, gratitude, and confidence in yourself and the universe, such as "I am loved and worthy of love," "I trust in the process of life," "I am surrounded by love and support," β€œI am enough as I am, and I deserve love and respect,” β€œI am surrounded by abundance and opportunities to grow and prosper,” β€œ My happiness and well-being are my priority, and I am committed to taking care of myself in body, mind and spirit.” 🀍🐼🀍

When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the present, carrying with you the positive energy and mental clarity cultivated during this exercise.

Remember that mental renewal is a continuous process that requires practice and patience. Allow yourself to question your thoughts and consciously cultivate those that bring you peace and happiness each day.

I wish you a journey of self-discovery and transformation, filled with love, light, and mental renewal.

Anama Gómez 😘